

By Ana Elisa Murta

Sala Brasil, Embassy of Brazil in London
14/16 Cockspur Street - SW15BL

03 - 16 AUGUST 2023

My work is a commitment to honoring the flow of life and every element of it.

I understand that Nature has a flow, regardless of any individual plan and control, and nothing is immutable or static, so my work brings this sense of connection and acceptance that allows a continuous rebalancement without losing harmony.

My mission is not only to produce a work that people want to buy because it is pleasing to the eye - I could achieve that point in just a few strokes.

But it would be bold, it would  lack maturity and meaning - but to represent a statement of the harmony that lies over the Creation regardless of our perception of it.

I’m always open to collaborate.
Learn more about me and my art process here.