Ana Elisa, aware of her role as an artist in contemporary times, proposes leaving her records and experiences more like questions than ready-made answers. At a time when humanity’s predatory actions border on irreversible, the artist’s simple and no less important attitude could be considered that of an artist/activist aligned with environmental issues who highlights the importance of raising awareness and giving new meaning to materials

Paradoxically, by resurrecting the raw material – the buried stone – bringing it to light in the form of pigment, this operationalization results in an ambiguous action: deconstruction also becomes a construction.
In a manner analogous to this interpretation and from the perspective of the sustainability policy proposed by the “5R’s”, that is, rethink, refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle; Ana Elisa’s works are inserted in another context, therefore bringing another layer of meaning.
The artist, first of all, asks herself and all of us how or through which we can give new meaning to our actions in favor of the environment.